Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sunday Gravy

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past year, you are aware of what "The Sunday Gravy" is.  With popularity of red sauce on television shows, mostly based in New has gotten a lot of press.

 Red sauce can be vegetarian, filled with meat on bones, meatballs and is served over a variety of foods.

Being a good Italian, I do make my own red sauce. It has taken me a few years to perfect it to my liking. There are so many variations that can be made to a red sauce.

 You have the option of selecting the meat of your choosing, meatballs or no meatballs, what brand of tomato sauce to use, fresh or dried herbs.

 Here is what the gravy looked like this Tuesday ( yes, you can make it on days other than Sunday).
Meatballs all rolled out and ready to go.  I bake them prior to cooking in sauce.

Every college students best friend, The Crock Pot.  I prefer this method of cooking because of the slow, even heat.  It also doesn't hurt that I can start this in the morning and come back to a fully cooked sauce in the evening.

Meatballs after being cooked. I use a little olive oil on the pan to prevent sticking.

The final product.
Red sauce doesn't always have to be difficult.  You just have to figure out what you like and tweak it, until you have your own version made.

I won't reveal the secrets to my red sauce.  But my biggest tip would be to never used dried, canned or jarred garlic products.  It will never yield the garlic flavor that fresh garlic does.

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