Monday, February 13, 2012

Heart shaped whoopie-pies for Valentine's Day.  All dressed up and no where to go!

Valentines's Day Baking
Contributing post by Mama Bakes ( a.k.a my mom)

Baking has always been a huge part of our family dynamic.  With Valentine's Day fast approaching my mom and I are both scrambling to put together our heart shaped sweets.

Mama Bakes had ordered her heart shaped whoopie pie pan a week ago.  With the right temperatures this pan could easily be used with cake mix, cookie dough or even eggs (yes, you can bake eggs).

During the journey into whoopee pie land,  Mama Bakes encountered many battles with the 'non-stick pan'.  She feels like this pan vastly misrepresented itself, as everything stuck to it.

"Obviously someone was asleep at the nonstick pan factory when this one was made," Mama said.  In-between her expletives of 'Mother Hubbard.'

Mama Bakes tip of the day #1: "Non-stick always sticks.  Don't trust it."

Here we have 'the dry team' which consists of flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt.

The frosting mix consists of butter, salt, vanilla, marshmallow cream, and powdered sugar.

'The dry team' well mixed and ready to be gradually added to 'the wet team.'

Eggs are slowly incorporated into the mixture.

Whoopie pies baking and puffing up to perfection.

Finished cake parts of the 'pie'
We had so many cakes when we started, but the time they were all stacked....we had 13 total pies.

To explain, you always assemble the dry ingredients ( dry team) and wet ingredients (wet team) separately. ***Sugar is considered to be a wet ingredient.  Yes, I know its not actually wet.  But how it behaves when baked ( aka it melts, or is creamed with butter...etc) is wet.

Peace, love and heart-shaped sweets.

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