Monday, February 13, 2012

While Mama Bakes did a great job with the whoopie-pies, I was burned out on chocolate by the time I left her house. It is my bosses birthday tomorrow, and I wanted to make something special for her since we have to work on her birthday/Valentine's Day.

I thought pretty pink cupcakes would be the best option.  Sure, I could have taken the easy route and just died a white cake or bought a pink colored cake mix at the store...but that's not my style.  I don't like using artificial ingredients or using unnatural food coloring. I feel like it is eating a science project when you consume artificial dyes and colors.

Since the grocery stores have had an abundance of strawberries for Valentine's Day, I took advantage of it. Strawberries it is!

My "food coloring" for the cake.
The dry team! ( Flour, baking powder, salt)
The wet team, strawberry puree, egg, vanilla, sugar, butter.
Super fluffy batter prior to baking.
Fresh out of the oven!
Making the strawberry frosting. (Butter, sugar, strawberry puree, vanilla)
Finished frosting.
Perfectly pink Valentine's/Birthday cupcakes! I added little pink sugar pearls to the top.

 I was really happy that I had the time to watch Mama Bakes today and still have time to bake my own sweets!

Perfectly pink cupcakes, whoopie-pies and sugar coated dreams,

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